of Matthew
Matthew was one of Jesus’ twelve disciples,
a tax collector when called by Christ. This gospel was written primarily to the
Jews, emphasizing the supremacy of Christ to Moses.
Introduction of the Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount was delivered to the
disciples, but heard also by the crowd, similar but different from “Sermon on
the Plain” in Luke.
A simple outline of the Sermon on the Mount
is as follows:
1. The
Kingdom and Blessings (Matt. 5:1-16)
2. The
Kingdom and the Law (Matt. 5:17-48)
3. The Kingdom
and God (Matthew 6)
4. The Kingdom
and Others (Matthew 7:1-20)
5. The Kingdom’s Foundation (Matthew 7:21-27)
Introduction of the Beatitudes
As a kid, my favorite cartoon was Peanuts and good ole Charlie Brown. I
had a book called “Happiness is a Warm Puppy.” If we were to put a Charles M.
Schulz title to the beatitudes, it might be “Happiness is …”
The word “Beatitude” comes from the Latin word beatus which means blessed but the word is elsewhere translated as “happy,”
“how fortunate,” “God blesses” (NLT), “You’re blessed” (the Message), and the
amplified Bible expounds to “to be envied and spiritually prosperous…with
life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, regardless of their
outward conditions.”
We could call these beatitudes the “Be Happy Attitudes.” Someone has
said that they are not the “Do” Attitudes, but the “Be” Attitudes, meaning it
is not what we do in the sense of
legalism, but rather who we are in
Christ. We should concentrate on “being,” not “doing.”
Each beatitude builds upon the previous one,
like a staircase. The first and last beatitude promise that “theirs is the kingdom
of heaven.” From the moment of our salvation, the Holy Spirit within us provides
for us a portion
of the qualities found in each beatitude, but we must nourish and encourage
each aspect to grow in our lives.
Other Beatitudes in Scripture
Four other times in Matthew, there are
pronouncements of “blessedness.” Chapter 11, verse six speaks about not being
offended in Christ; Matt. 13:16 speaks on those who were able to see and hear
Jesus at work, 16:17 pronounces a blessing up Peter for his proclamation of
Christ as the Son of the living God, and 24:46 proclaims a blessing on those
who are faithful when Christ returns.
Luke records similar uses of “blessed” in
chapter 6 and uses the word a total of 15 times in his gospel. John’s two
beatitudes include the famous rebuke of Thomas’ doubting when Jesus says
“blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe.”
Romans and James also have some beatitudes,
and Peter echoes Jesus’ beatitudes in respect to suffering and facing reproach
in 1 Peter 3:14 and 4:14. King James there translate makarios as “Happy” rather than
“blessed.” And in typical numerical fashion, the Apostle John records precisely
seven beatitudes in Revelation.
The practice of issuing blessed promises
goes back as far as the Old Testament, most notably Psalm 1: “Blessed
is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way
of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the
LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night”
A beatitude can be traced back
to the first occurrence in Scripture, found in Deut. 33:29, “Blessed are you, O Israel! Who is like you,
a people saved by the LORD? He is your shield and helper and your glorious
sword. Your enemies will cower before you, and you will trample down their high
And thank you Morgan Perry for making the Be-Attitudes for the Kid's Corner. That will make these devotionals happy for the kids too!
Spiritual bankruptcy
Lloyd-Jones says, “If one feels anything in the presence of God save an utter
poverty of spirit, it ultimately means that you have never faced Him. That is
the meaning of this Beatitude.”
Sermon on the Mount and especially the Beatitudes tell us that without Jesus
Christ, none of us could ever be saved. Since Christ came to seek and to save the
lost (Luke 19:10), He wanted to communicate the complete depravity and
sinfulness of the human race.
Only in
Matt. 5:3 is the word “poor” used for anything else other than monetary
poverty. Those who are poor in spirit
are those who deny their own spirit so that God’s spirit would be rich in them.
It is the condition that is required for us to die to ourselves and live for
again believers are, as J.M. Boice said, “spiritually bankrupt.” As a result, we
have, present tense, the kingdom of heaven. Spiritually poverty is the first
step to being where God wants us to be: saved.
Question: What is the opposite of being poor in spirit?
Why would Jesus use a
financial word like poor?
God’s Standard: Perfection
in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus commanded the disciples to be “perfect as your Father in heaven is
perfect.” Even if we define perfect as “to be fully grown, mature,
complete,” we are impossibly challenged to be as mature or perfect as our
Father in heaven.
understand the word “perfect” look at Matt. 19:21. Jesus told the rich ruler, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell
what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and
come, follow Me."
Jesus telling the man that selling all and giving to the poor is the way to sinless
perfection? Is that what it takes to be saved? No! Jesus
Questions: Read Matt. 19:16-26. Was the rich man happy? What do
his three questions show about the man and his state of happiness? (“Teacher,
what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” “Which ones (commandments must
I keep)?” “What do I still lack?”
Contrition and Humility
standard of perfection leads us to profound humility. People today view God far
too casually, certainly in comparison to those who saw God in the Bible. Here
are some Old Testament parallels.
Psalms 34:18 “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as
have a contrite spirit.”
Psalms 51:17 “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a
contrite heart-- These, O God, You will not despise.”
Proverbs 16:19 “Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide
the spoil with the proud.”
Proverbs 29:23 “A man's pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will
retain honor.”
Isaiah 57:15 “For thus says the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name
is Holy: ‘I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite
and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive
the heart of the contrite ones.”
Isaiah 66:2 “…but on this one will I look, on him who is poor and of a contrite
spirit, and who trembles at my word.”
“Contrite” can also mean lame, stricken,
crushed, broken, even destroyed. It is with that type of spirit that is the
first step to salvation and also to happiness and blessedness.
Question: How can a contrite, humble and impoverished spirit bring happiness?
Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
What is the Kingdom of Heaven? It is
more than going to heaven or even salvation. John the Baptist said the Kingdom
of Heaven (KOH) is “at hand,” revealed in part during Jesus’ early ministry
is a present tense (5:3, 10; 11:12) and a future tense (8:11).
is a spiritual sense (13:11) and a physical sense (11:12).
is an earthly realm and a heavenly realm (16:19).
The KOH and Old Testament:
Keeping the commandments is important and brings great praise (5:19-20), but the Law
ended with John and the KOH came into being during Christ’s ministry (11:12
with Luke 16:16). The KOH includes Old and New Testament believers (8:11), but we
have a greater understanding because of Christ (Matt. 11:11).
The KOH and unbelievers: The KOH is a powerful change,
and the mighty take hold of it strongly (11:12). The mysteries of the KOH are
hidden from unbelievers, but are revealed in part through the parables of Matthew
13, 19 and 22. The KOH is given solely by grace (22:10), but not to everyone (22:11).
We cannot have the KOH through legalism (23:13).
The KOH and believers: Entrance to the KOH requires
conversion (18:3) and doing God’s will (7:21), but even a child can enter by faith
brings the greatest praise in the KOH (See Matt. 18:14 and 19:14). It is hard
but not impossible for the rich to enter (19:23, 26). Sacrifices made have
results in the KOH (19:12), but the KOH is not given by works (19:30-20:16).
Kingdom of Heaven is going to heaven but so much more. It is for believers right
now, Christ reigning in our hearts. The poor in spirit are blessed because we receive
the KOH (salvation).
Question: Have you submitted to the Kingdom of Heaven by receiving Jesus Christ
as your Lord, Savior and King?
Sunday’s “Be-Attitude” Kid’s Korner by Morgan Perry
If you are poor, you may need to depend on others for help to meet your
needs. Jesus is telling us we are “poor in spirit,” meaning that we need
someone to help us spiritually.
Who do you think that “someone” is?
How do we ask Him to help us?
What is something you need to ask Jesus to help you with?
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